Experts recommend using standardized herbs for people with stomach diseases using RealCare Stomach

Faced with the increasing prevalence of chronic diseases such as stomach diseases, Vietnamese scientists have just officially launched the RealCare Stomach product (SPharma Project – SReal Corp Company), marking a breakthrough. innovation in proactive health care from products of natural herbal origin, applying high technology in production.

The alarming situation of stomach diseases in Vietnam

In the world, the rate of people with stomach disease is very high, about 5-10% of the entire population. In Vietnam, according to information from the Society of Digestive Sciences, up to 26% of people have peptic ulcers and 70% are at risk of stomach disease. In particular, the age of stomach cancer patients is gradually getting younger, with about 20-25% under 40 years old. This disease has caused a lot of pain and expense for patients, increasing the burden on the economy and society.

Therefore, proactive prevention and choosing appropriate support methods are the most important factors to help protect a healthy stomach and prevent unpredictable complications. While medicinal chemistry is increasingly developing, many people follow the trend of returning to nature. Accordingly, tens of millions of people have prioritized the use of products derived from herbs and high-tech applications to support disease treatment.

RealCare Stomach – Advanced and safe solution for people with stomach diseases

While inheriting Traditional Medicine and developing modern Medicine, RealCare Stomach has been trusted and highly appreciated by leading experts and users. Products focus on: Safety – Sustainable effectiveness – Overcoming the limitations of traditional products when derived from natural herbs, created with “golden numbers” in terms of ingredient ratios with the most advanced production technology in the world. People with stomach problems can safely use it for a long time without worrying about side effects.

RealCare Stomach is well received by many customers and partners

Standardized herbal ingredients and preparation technology are the outstanding advantages of RealCare Stomach:

GastroCare CVI  Extra was researched and developed by scientists at CVI Pharma High-Tech Pharmaceutical Factory, and is a spray-dried extract from precious medicinal herbs in Traditional Medicine. Today, when modern medicine has made great strides in development, especially when applying preparation and extraction technology, the uses and essences of Oriental medicine remedies are even more preserved and their prices enhanced. treat. In GastroCare CVI  Extra, we can mention: gentian ginseng, purple ginseng, jasmine, cypress tea – the top 4 precious medicinal herbs in the treatment of stomach diseases in Vietnam.

Fermented soybeans (Gastro AD) from Canada are very famous for their 3 mechanisms specifically for people with stomach problems:

  • Buffering mechanism helps neutralize acid and relieve pain quickly
  • Mechanism of inhibiting enzymes that cause inflammation
  • Mechanism to support the healing of gastric mucosal ulcers

Nano curcumin inhibits HP bacteria, is a powerful antioxidant, scavenges free radicals, increases Mucin secretion in gastric juice, quickly restores and regenerates damaged gastric and duodenal mucosa.

RealCare Stomach contains ingredients that have effective effects on stomach diseases

Facing the pace of modern life and the increasing need for proactive health care of each family and community, SReal ordered research and production at CVI Pharma High-Tech Pharmaceutical Factory to launch the product. the best products, worthy of the value users have paid.

Pharmacist Le Xuan Ky – Director of Research & Production – CVI High-Tech Pharmaceutical Factory shared: Other products that want to quickly reduce the symptoms of gastric acid must have an antacid. However, RealCare Stomach does NOT contain aluminum or magnesium antacids; Helps patients quickly reduce symptoms after only a short time. In addition to pain relief and anti-inflammatory functions, the product also has the function of protecting the mucosa.

In addition, we have a quality management and control system, production lines that meet international standards, especially a clear quality commitment policy, and a quality management team of nearly 30 official employees. – A rare number among pharmaceutical and cosmetic companies in Vietnam to perfect products in the best way.

Pharmacist Le Xuan Ky shares information about raw material sources and RealCare Stomach production technology

Uses of RealCare Stomach:

  • Supports the reduction of gastric acid, helps protect the stomach lining, reduces the risk of stomach and duodenal ulcers.
  • Helps reduce symptoms of belching, heartburn, and stomach pain due to gastric and duodenal ulcers.
  • Support to prevent recurrence and complications.

How to use:

  • Adults: Take 2-3 pills/time x 2 times/day
  • Drink 30 minutes before eating

This product is not a medicine and does not replace medicine.

Advertising license number: 1550/2022/XNQC-ATTP issued by the Department of Food Safety – Ministry of Health on September 21, 2022.

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