Support solutions for people with bone and joint problems from Indian ginseng are available in RealCare Bone

Inheriting the quintessence of traditional medicine and combining it with modern medicine, CVI Pharma and SReal Corp have just launched the RealCare Bone product with main ingredients being Indian ginseng, devil’s claw, frankincense, FlexBone Complex CVI – which is choice for users in proactively preventing arthritis.

Decoding the supporting uses of Indian ginseng for people with osteoarthritis

With the mission of providing better health care for each person and family, in the face of increasing chronic non-communicable diseases, especially after COVID-19, SReal has ordered research and production at CVI Pharma High-Tech Pharmaceutical Factory to produce good products, worthy of the value users have paid. Besides, positive customer feedback is the clearest proof of the service quality and product quality of the RealCare Brand.

While on the pharmaceutical market there are many products for people with bone and joint diseases, SReal has created a “new breeze” when launching RealCare Bone, extracted from natural herbs, using modern production technology, ensuring safety.

RealCare Bone is an indispensable support product in every family’s medicine cabinet

RealCare Bone effectively supports people with bone and joint problems. This is also a pioneering product in Vietnam containing Indian ginseng. This plant grows mainly in India, the Middle East and parts of Africa. According to traditional medicine, Indian ginseng is an important herb in Ayurvedic medicine – one of the oldest medical systems in the world in general and India in particular. This plant has a history of nearly 4,000 years and has been used by many people to treat many different diseases, including bone and joint diseases:

  •  Supports people with arthritis, reduces joint pain and swelling
  • Contributes to reducing joint stiffness and increasing joint mobility
  • Supports strengthening the immune system and anti-oxidation

RealCare Bone for people with bone and joint diseases

Besides Indian ginseng, RealCare Bone also contains a special list of precious ingredients such as:

FlexBone Complex CVI: Created by scientists of CVI Pharma High-Tech Pharmaceutical Factory, is a spray-dried mixture extracted from herbal ingredients that have been frequently used in Traditional Medicine, with stability high, good solubility and absorption.

FlexBone Complex CVI is extracted from 8 precious medicinal herbs for bones and joints

Devil’s Claw: Plant native to South Africa, is a natural solution to help improve bones and joints because of its anti-inflammatory properties…

Frankincense is widely used in folk medicine for people with osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis… to help relieve pain and reduce the level of enzymes that decompose cartilage.

The combination of precious ingredients in RealCare bones and joints helps increase the ability to support pain relief and anti-inflammation for a stable bone and joint system.

Pharmacist Le Xuan Ky – Director of Research & Production – CVI High-Tech Pharmaceutical Factory shared: RealCare products in general and RealCare Bone in particular originate from thousands of years of traditional medicine of the United States. ancestors, familiar to many generations of Vietnamese people. We spend many years researching, developing, combining with advanced technology and production lines in the world to produce standard products, covering a wide range of users. We ensure the production of complete essences, preserving the superiority of herbs, overcoming the limitations of traditional products. We expect: All people can proactively take care of their health, especially bone and joint health.

RealCare Bone is one of the products produced on the modern production line of the CVI Pharma High-Tech Pharmaceutical factory. This is a factory that meets strict standards for the production of drugs and functional foods. Therefore, RealCare bone will be strictly controlled in every step, from raw material selection, research, preparation, testing, encapsulation, blister pressing, and packaging of finished products before being delivered to users. .


  • Helps reduce symptoms of joint pain caused by arthritis and osteoarthritis.
  • Helps reduce the risk of arthritis and osteoarthritis, helping joints move flexibly.

This product is not a medicine and does not replace medicine.

Advertising license number: 1549/2022/XNQC-ATTP issued by the Department of Food Safety – Ministry of Health on September 21, 2022.

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