RealCare Active Blood- A new step in disease treatment support from Polyscias fruticosa and Angelica sinensis standardized

Understanding the need to improve brain health and prevent dangerous complications, RealCare Active Blood was born as a comprehensive solution with a breakthrough in raw materials with a combination of Polyscias fruticosa and Angelica sinensis plants. Standardize, ensure safety and efficiency.

RealCare Active Blood – A new step in enhancing brain health

Combining Traditional Medicine and Modern Medicine, improving effectiveness in RealCare Active Blood

RealCare Active Blood was developed from the classic blood tonic remedy in Traditional Medicine “Bat Tran Thang”. This is a great research achievement of the famous Chinese physician Tiet Ky of the Ming Dynasty based on the principles of Eastern medicine. Combined from two remedies, Tứ Quân (Ginseng – Linh – Truat – Thao) with the effect of nourishing energy and Tứ Vật (Khung – Quy – Thuc – Duoc) to help nourish blood combined with Dan ginseng and Nguu Tat to bring benefits especially in circulation and nourishing blood. Research results from Modern Medicine also confirm that, “Bat tran thang” has the effect of promoting the production of red blood cells, increasing the amount of hemoglobin, thereby effectively preventing anemia.

Realizing the great value of precious medicine combined with modern technology, scientists have successfully tested and researched the product RealCare Active Blood. The product is a combination of Polyscias fruticosa extract, standardized Angelica sinensis with Dan Sam, Sea bitter herb extract, Rutin (flower extract) and many other vitamins such as B1, B2, B6… bringing main effects. It activates blood, enhances blood circulation, reduces symptoms of fatigue, headaches…

Customers pay special attention to RealCare Active Blood products

Pharmacist Le Xuan Ky – Director of Research & Production – CVI High-Tech Pharmaceutical Factory said: “Our strength is the production of products that promote blood circulation and brain circulation. Our scientists have researched and launched RealCare Active Blood with differences in target segments and applied the Bat tran thang remedy in Traditional Medicine. While many products are launched focusing on activesedation; Active blood and insomnia; Active blood reduces pain, RealCare Active Blood enters the segment of enhancing concentration and memory, especially post-covid. The product is manufactured at the CVI Pharma CNC Pharmaceutical factory with the world’s leading modern machinery and extraction system, users can be completely assured of long-term use.”

RealCare Active Blood – A pioneer product in Vietnam with standardized Polyscias fruticosa and Angelica sinensis

Since ancient times, Polyscias fruticosa and Angelica sinensishave been considered precious herbs with countless outstanding uses. In particular, Angelica sinensis has many effects such as: Tonic blood, increase blood circulation, inhibit blood clot formation, increase resistance… The Polyscias fruticosa tree is 5 years old or more and is as precious as its seeds. Ginseng has many outstanding effects such as increased energy, body weakness, weakness, fatigue, poor digestion…

With the value of two precious medicinal herbs and the patient’s need for a safe herbal product, SReal Corp. recently launched the product RealCare Active Blood with the combination of the precious herbal duo Polyscias fruticosa and Angelica sinensis standardized, produced at CVI Pharma CNC Pharmaceutical Factory.

RealCare Active Blood with a combination of Polyscias fruticosa, Angelica sinensis and Bitter Vegetable

Dr. Truong Hong Son – Director of the Vietnam Institute of Applied Medicine assessed: “In traditional medicine, measures to support the treatment of blood circulation are very diverse such as acupuncture, massage, acupressure, etc. .. Among them, the fastest and most convenient method is to use herbs. However, previous preparation technology will not make the most of the precious active ingredients contained in herbal ingredients. Therefore, the application of standardized extraction technology ensures high medicinal properties and helps the body absorb effectively. RealCare Active Blood ensures and meets today’s highest requirements.”

TS.BS Truong Hong Son highly appreciated RealCare Active Blood at the launching ceremony of the new RealCare brand

Among hundreds of active blood products on the market, RealCare Active Blood is a pioneer product in Vietnam that possesses CVI-standardized Polyscias fruticosa and Angelica sinensis extracts, ensuring uniformity in active ingredient content as well as effectiveness. Similar effects between batches. With strict standardization regulations from the CVI Pharma High-Tech Pharmaceutical factory, all herbs have their biological activity quality improved to create the product RealCare Active Blood.

With the values ​​of precious medicinal herbs and the application of modern technology in production, RealCare Active Blood not only helps nourish blood and enhance cerebral blood circulation but also opens up new steps in health care. comprehensive, among the top quality products, worthy of the cost paid by consumers.


  • Supports blood circulation, enhances cerebral blood circulation.
  • Helps reduce symptoms of headaches, insomnia, dizziness, vertigo, memory loss, and poor concentration due to cerebral circulation insufficiency.


  • Adults: Take 2-3 pills/time x 2 times/day
  • Drink 30 minutes before eating or 1 hour after eatingThis product is not a medicine and does not replace medicine.

    Record advertising license number: 1551/2022/XNQC-ATTP issued by the Department of Food Safety – Ministry of Health on September 21, 2022.

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