RealCare is a brand belonging to the SPharma strategic project of two corporations SReal Corp and CVI Pharma to create an Investment & Business Platform for the pharmaceutical industry, comprehensive health care for the community, creating sustainable economic value. sustainable for society. Every person can start a business and increase profits on the SPharma platform.

  • Customers & Sellers: Providing customers with good Pharmaceutical & Cosmetic Products and attractive policies.
  • Agents/Distributors: Provide business & management processes according to online franchise standards.
  • People: Career guidance, business startups, easy access to knowledge, products, and capital.
  • Credit score is the basis for accessing social capital.

RealCare’s quality is guaranteed by a team of very experienced research & development pharmacists of CVI Cosmetic Pharmaceutical Joint Stock Company – a leading company in the field of research & development of pharmaceutical and cosmetic products in Vietnam. Vietnam. CVI is always a pioneer in applying and transferring scientific research projects on herbs, helping to bring effective and safe treatment and beauty support solutions with typical products such as CumarGold, CumarGold Kare, Heposal, Gastosic, Decumar…

The difference of RealCare is the combination of traditional & modern herbs from around the world prepared with high technology, research proven to be effective -> Outstanding quality. Comprehensive impact mechanism, bringing quick and sustainable results. Researched & developed, manufactured at CVI Pharma CNC factory meeting GMP, CGMP, ISO and FDA standards.

Các sản phẩm RealCare được sản xuất và đóng gói tại Nhà máy Dược phẩm CNC CVI Pharma