RealCare – Exploring a new era in comprehensive health and beauty care with natural herbs

The comprehensive and synchronous change of the technological age opens a new era in the pharmaceutical, health care and beauty manufacturing industries. Grasping world trends, the RealCare brand – a strategic project of CVI Pharma and SReal Corp was born, not only as a breakthrough solution in health care but also as an investment and business development project. sustainable economy and society.

SReal Corp cooperates with CVI Pharma to bring the RealCare brand

RealCare – Bringing comprehensive health care solutions to people

Vietnamese consumption needs, more than 30% of the Vietnamese population has a high need to regularly use health protection foods and this number is increasing on average. average more than 14%/year.

Understanding this situation, RealCare – a strategic project of CVI Pharma and SReal Corp was born. With the message “Comprehensive health care”, RealCare provides consumers with health protection products of natural herbal origin that are methodically researched and produced by Cosmetic Pharmaceutical Joint Stock Company. CVI, meets GMP, ISO 13485:2016 standards, certified by the US FDA to meet pharmaceutical production standards.

DS Le Xuan Ky – Director of Research & Production of CVI Pharma factory shares about the strengths and differences of RealCare

The strength and difference in each RealCare product is the meticulous research investment, compliance with the 3 core principles “Good – Well – Right” in the preparation and production process of the CVI Pharma factory.

  • “Good” is the use of rare active ingredients found in natural herbs imported from reputable companies, combined with CVI Pharma’s extract mixtures, applied specifically to each product… bringing results. synchronized and parallel efficiency.
  • “Well” is expressed through each story associated with the product or ingredient in that product, helping to increase consumer understanding and trust.
    is a commitment to accompany consumers and the community in the process of use and distribution cooperation. The product is manufactured at CNC CVI Pharma Pharmaceutical Factory with full product legal documents, methodical research, production technology and strict quality control according to world standards, ensuring no banned substances.

Shared by two leading experts at the discussion

According to sharing at the seminar, Dr. Colonel Vu Thi Khanh Van – Former Head of Department A9, Military Traditional Medicine Hospital said: “With the origin of natural herbs prepared with technology at a reputable manufacturing unit, RealCare products will bring sustainable, safe, and benign health values ​​to users. Not only does it support disease treatment, RealCare also brings peace of mind and relieves pressure in finding the most optimal method for consumers in the “matrix” of current health care food products. ”.

Dr. Truong Hong Son – Director of the Vietnam Institute of Applied Medicine emphasized: “The most important thing in the era of epidemics that are always lurking is that we need to have a sense of disease prevention and control. Creating the habit of using health-protective foods derived from herbs will be a safe, benign, effective and long-term solution. Instead of having to take a large dose in one dose, now users only need to pack it into 2 – 4 pills a day and still be many times more effective than using traditional herbs.”

The set of 6 RealCare products is supported by customers and business partners

The RealCare brand initially focused on 6 support products: REALCARE BONES, REALCARE STOMACH, REALCARE BRIGHT EYES – NOURISH THE BRAIN, REALCARE ACTIVE BLOOD , REALCARE CHOLESTEROL and REALCARE BRIGHTEN SKIN which is currently receiving the support of hundreds of people. thousands of customers and business partners.

RealCare – A parallel utility when the pharmaceutical industry “shakes hands” with technology

In addition to becoming a home-friendly health food brand, RealCare is also a brand under the SPharma strategic project of SReal Corp and CVI Pharma to create an Investment & Business platform. pharmaceutical industry, public health care, creating sustainable economic value for society. Become a place where everyone can start a business and increase profits on the SPharma platform.

RealCare is applying a new business solution with many outstanding advantages

This is considered a smart and ambitious step of the SPharma project when it deeply recognizes the negative socio-economic fluctuations throughout many years of epidemics. When business is stagnant and the stock market shakes, investors’ confidence and resources are no longer as solid as before. Accordingly, the position of the pharmaceutical and digital technology fields has also been pushed to a new level.

The SPharma strategic project of SReal Corp and CVI Pharma promises to bring an effective method to solve all the difficult problems of investors when starting to enter the pharmaceutical business field. With a new operating process, providing a high-tech platform in production, application and improvement of the Social Business model, the SPharma project is also a solution for businesses in the problem of applying smart solution development. on a digital platform to serve the needs of society.

Applying the Social Business model helps save maximum costs for investors while promoting product quality

Offering a new investment solution, suitable for the social situation and touching the “pain point” of people when they have taken a more serious look at health prevention has helped RealCare become a brand. The most anticipated product of 2022 from SReal Corp and CVI Pharma, promising to bring a boom in sales to investors as well as create a reputation in the pharmaceutical industry, becoming a brand deeply engraved in the Vietnamese people’s subconscious. thanks to high quality products, recommended by medical experts.

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